Navigating the Future of VAT

Navigating the Future of VAT Webinar 2023

A digital transformation of VAT reporting is underway in the European Union, join Inpute and our partners at Pagero as we delve into the changes that are reshaping EU's VAT landscape. In late 2022, the European Commission published its proposed VAT in the Digital Age (ViDA) reforms. This webinar explores how your company can adapt to these changes and gain a strong competitive advantage. We provide practical steps for  adapting to the evolving landscape of VAT processing.

On the agenda:

  • How these changes are harnessing the value of data and streamlining processes for increased efficiency
  • An overview of the EU ViDA implications for your business
  • Practical steps for ensuring your business thrives through these changes
  • Comprehensive insights on eInvoicing, real time reporting and the future of compliance

Watch the navigating the future of VAT webinar now

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